How to Encourage Your Kids to Become More Active


Did You Know?

  • Only 1 in 3 children are physically active every day.

  • Less than 50% of the time spent in sports practice, games, and physical education class involves moving enough to be considered physical activity.

  • Children and teens spend more than 7 hours per day on average using TVs, computers, phones, and other electronic devices for entertainment.

  • About 1 out of 3 children is either overweight or obese in the United States.

  • Overweight teens have a 70% chance of becoming overweight adults.


Yes, these statistics are alarming but they can change! Physical activity is so good for children’s bodies and is desperately needed, especially in the times we are in right now. At least 60 minutes of activity a day helps older children and adolescents grow strong bones and muscles, build endurance and maintain a healthy weight. There's a large amount of evidence that moderate to vigorous physical activity also helps boost children's critical thinking skills, grade point averages and standardized test scores. As parents, you can play a key role in getting your kids more active. Check out my top tips below:

 Physical Education
For healthy lifestyles, children need both free play and specific instruction on physical skills. An easy way for kids to meet this goal is by participating in physical education as part of the school day, when kids are in school. We know though that most children have been at home due to the pandemic, which unfortunately leaves a lot of the responsibility up to you as a parent. Do what you can to block off a certain time every day for your kids to engage in physical activity, similar to what would be done in school. If you are unsure on how to show them what to do, have them join in on a few of our engaging Bodynamics classes so they can learn and have fun at the same time! They will see their peers getting involved too and will find inspiration to keep it going.

Organized Activities
Adults or kids can organize active play. There are active indoor games such as Simon Says, and so many games to play outside — hopscotch, jump rope, dodge ball, Frisbee. If your kids are interested in sports, have them go outside and practice their skills for whatever sport they want to play. You can also advance their athleticism by having them join our sports performance training sessions at Bodynamics!

Make Fitness Part of Your Kid's Day
Taking a trip to the mailbox? Have them do frog jumps all the way there! Forgot something at the grocery store? Save on gas and walk or take your bikes over there. One thing I love to do on a busy work day at home is take a 15 or 30 minute break to play some music and dance around the whole house with my kids. They loooove dancing with their mama. It wears them out, puts us in a better mood and gives so much more mental clarity to all of us!

Make Screen Time an Active Time
When going to play outside isn’t an option, have your kids play interactive video games that require physical activity such as tennis, bowling, soccer or baseball. Finding fun YouTube dance videos are an option on this one too!

Get Help With Household Chores

Encourage your children to participate in active outdoor chores such as raking leaves, pulling weeds, watering plants, sweeping the walks or cleaning the garage. You can always make the chores feel more fun with upbeat music and join in with them to get it done as a family.

Be an Active Role Model
This is the biggest most effect piece to encourage your kids to become more active. Present to them physical activity and fitness as an important time to take care of your body and health, rather than a dreaded chore you have to get done. Schedule workouts in your day or find activities you enjoy and be active for at least 30 minutes, five days a week. Talk with your kids about how exercise and eating healthy positively impacts your life. When your children hear and see that you are enjoying time being active, they will be more likely to model your behavior.


The best way to Approach Your Fitness Goals